UX Designer

Catarina Santos
From patient-centred doctor to human-centred designer. Passionate about crafting digital experiences that deliver meaningful and impactful interactions for all.


Enhancing asthma health with active living
UX Researcher, UX Designer
Empower people with asthma to do physical exercise with confidence and safely, while supporting their condition management.
Digital health for chronic disease, user research, prototype, user testing.
Presented at Human-centred Medical AI Design Bootcamp - Oxford, Mar '24

WithinMyVoice: Training system for Emotion-Enabled Synthetic Voice Augmentation
UX Researcher
People living with Motor Neuron Disease often rely on Augmentative and Alternative Communication (AAC) devices to communicate as the disease progresses. This project addresses how emotion be conveyed during social interactions.
Disability interaction, co-design workshops with people living with Motor Neuron Disease, qualitative analysis

Hypertension Series
Patient attitudes and technology acceptance in hypertension
UX Researcher
Understand patients' attitudes towards self-monitoring blood pressure and their acceptance of innovative technologies to inform the design of solutions that will improve the adoption of better self-monitoring practices.
MSc dissertation, mixed methods research, survey, autoethnography, co-design workshop, qualitative analysis, technology acceptance model.

Happy to announce that I will be a speaker in the next UX Healthcare Europe - London 23-24 April 2025.